Saturday, June 18, 2011

Splish Splash I Was Taking A Bath

Bathtime is definately one of my most favorite times of the day. The babes are between 8-10months old in these pics. When I first started bathing them in the sink they were just learning how to hold there balnace up and wound slip and slide. In one pic you can see that Waylon didn't care to much for his bath the first time he got in. Now they love their bath and splash their mom all over the place. I sure love you guys and have so much fun being your mom!

1 comment:

Alan and Mindee said...

Ok, this just made my day! So dang darling, I can't even handle it!!! I love bath time at this age to. I mean seriously, how do you get anything done all day! I would be kissing those fat cheeks like crazy!

Love, all of the other cute pictures of you family. I love the boys and Keylee decked out in nativity, beyond cute!