Monday, August 10, 2009

4th of July,Gleave Reunion,Canning

Here are some more pics of the summer. For the 4th of July we went to Mike's Uncle John's house and had a really yummy dutch oven dinner, after we watched fireworks in the field across from his house. Then I have pics of the Gleave Reunion. I am glad that lots of people still come to this event because we always have so much fun riding four wheelers, fishing, and just visiting with each other. Other pics are of Mike and I canning. We have lots of tomatoes and were able to bottle 4 batches of tomato soup(yummy, my favorite with grilled cheese), 4 batches of salsa, 1 batch of tomato juice, and who knows what else becasue they keep growing! We were also able to do one batch of peach jam from the peaches in our back yard, and I also dried some apricots as well.
Keylee with her Grandma Jillyn

Uncle Dan and Aunt Valynn making the best homemade root beer.

Mike, Bunny and Gary

Grandma Irva reciting at the talent show for the Gleave Reunion

Brin and Colby warming up to play

kids eating the candy they won after the races
hanging out at the lake

Keylee had so much fun getting to ride the fifty with her cousin Landon

Tomato Soup (we got a total of 90 quart jars)

1 comment:

Alan and Mindee said...

I love all of the cute pictures. I can't believe you bottled 90 quarts, that is awesome! You guys have been busy!